Jasmine Tea

Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea is a type of tea, scented with the aroma of blossoms from the jasmine plant.

Blossoms from common jasmine are placed alongside tea leaves in storage or blended with stored tea, allowing the aroma to infuse.


This type of tea started in China in the 5th century
But it became widespread only in the 17th century when it grew to be a valuable export to Western countries. Today, the tea is mostly produced in China and Japan, and it is enjoyed by locals and people abroad alike. 

Jasmine tea is a delicious aromatic drink, packed full of antioxidants and other compounds that can protect you from many degenerative diseases and other unpleasant conditions, especially if you consume more than 1 cup of tea every day. Most importantly, it is usually not costly and easily accessible.

Try it in

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Jasmine With Flowers  

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