Dunbar Greetings - Tea of Week - Frosty Plum Spice

Tea of the Week: Frosty Plum Spice

Brrr... there's a distinct chill in the air today here in Vancouver as we brace ourselves for some strong winds and rain - quite a change from the sun and accompanying heat of the summer days.

With the leaves descending from their branches to splash the streets with hues of yellow and red, we'd like to present our tea of the week:

Frosty Plum Spice Tea

Frosty Plum Spice

This Metropolitan tea is high in antioxidants to keep your cells healthy. It also contains cinnamon and clove spices for a sweet taste.

Drop by anytime during our store hours this week(from now until Saturday) to warm yourself up with a sample!

We hope you have an amazing week!

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