Trouble brewing in Sri Lanka’s tea Industry!
Before economic crisis, tea exports accounted to $1.3 billionUS and 5% of all global tea production. the tea industry over 150 years of existence is faced with a crisis.
It has dropped to its lowest level in 23 years. It’s prosper tea industry has taken a drastic hit.
The island’s ongoing political and financial crisis have crippled the industry.
The island’s ongoing political and financial crisis have crippled the industry.
For the last 3 months, the country has been gripped by severe shortage of fuel, food and other essentials after it’s foreign exchange dried up.
This has lead to job losses and the tea estates are already witnessing rising social tensions, as those without work return home. Over 2.5 million people employed directly or indirectly in the tea industry.
Prolonged power cuts have resulted in poor quality as plucked tea leaves have withered and spoiled.
In 2015 former president banned not only all chemical fertilizers, but also herbicides and pesticides. Officials who disagreed with this policy were fired.The rational behind this was Sri Lanka’s farming was organic.
On the bright side tea is back on the map and agrochemicals are beginning to trickle back into the market.